Roberta Londi
Her Story
Roberta was born in Genzano and moved to Ariccia with her family two years ago. She worked as a guide in the Chigi Palace before learning about the Auburn University Joseph S. Bruno program. Soon after, Roberta started to work with the study abroad students. She has gotten to meet and know over one thousand students and watch the program develop. As time went on, she has now grown more into the culture of Ariccia while raising her family. She has a husband and two kids, a daughter, and a son. Roberta's husband, Stefano, is from Rome but enjoys the slow-paced lifestyle that Ariccia has to offer. They love living in the small town and being immersed in the community of Ariccia. Roberta hopes that Ariccia will continue to grow and be open to new ideas and different cultures.